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Warranty conditions

Warranty conditions

Edition, 12-07-2024

With due observance of the following provisions, ELMEC Trading and Engineering Office B.V. (hereinafter referred to as “seller”) guarantees the soundness and quality of the delivered product for a period of 24 months from the invoice date, meaning that parts or materials found to be defective due to faulty construction within this period will be repaired or replaced free of charge at the seller’s discretion, provided the items are located in the Netherlands or Belgium. For radio remote control transmitters and pushbutton stations, this period is 6 months.
The 24-month warranty period will be proportionally shortened if the delivered products are used more intensively than the assumed single-shift operation by the seller and/or if the load spectrum or usage intensity is higher than the agreed FEM classification of the delivered product.

If the installation is located in a country other than the Netherlands or Belgium, the necessary parts will be made available free of charge for up to 6 months after the initial delivery and shipped free of charge to your address in the Netherlands or Belgium. Transport costs to destinations outside these countries and labor costs for repair or replacement work will not be reimbursed.
The buyer must provide climbing equipment or lifting facilities to ensure that the products can be safely repaired or exchanged. The costs for this equipment and/or facilities are borne by the buyer, even if the defect falls under warranty.
The buyer is obliged to report a defect immediately upon discovery to the seller’s service department, failing which the seller’s warranty obligation lapses. The buyer must keep the defective part and, if requested by the seller, send it back to the seller free of charge. Materials released as a result of a repair become the property of the seller.

The seller’s warranty obligation lapses if the buyer, or his personnel or third parties comparable to him, have not treated the installation in accordance with the instructions and regulations stated in the operating instructions and user manual, or have otherwise treated it unskillfully or carelessly, or have used it for purposes other than the normal business operations for which the products are intended. Damages due to improper use are not covered by the warranty.
If the buyer has had a repair or modification carried out by someone other than the seller or a company authorized by him without written permission from the seller, the warranty obligation also lapses.

The seller’s warranty obligation lapses if the buyer fails to meet his payment obligations. The buyer does not have the right to refuse payment on the grounds that the seller has not yet fully met his warranty obligation.
In the event that the seller does not fulfill his warranty obligation, his liability is limited to the costs of repair or replacement by third parties, but only after the buyer has given the seller written notice of default and provided him a reasonable period to fulfill his warranty obligation.

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